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Save on Tuition

Smart Strategies to Save on Tuition

School is great, but tuition costs can put a damper on your degree dreams. Don't worry! You can learn how to find free money, make your money work harder, and borrow smarter. Check out the video below with Jen for a funny crash course in college cash management. You'll laugh, you'll learn, and you'll save big bucks.

Financing your education. School is important. It's also expensive. Offset the costs of post-secondary education the smart way by using free money, your money and borrowed money (in that order). Student Debt Stats: About 4 in 10 college students have taken out loans to pay for school. Nearly one point five trillion in student debt is collectively held by fourty four million americans. When they graduate, the average student loan borrower has thirty-sever thousand one hundred and seventy two in student loans. Finance your education the smart way by using: Free Money, Your Money, and Borrowed Money

Paying for school with free money.

Paying for school with your money.

Paying for school with borrowed money.

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Save on Tuition

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